Check out these videos !

H2 Oil (2009)

To The Last Drop
Residents of one Canadian town are engaged in a David and Goliath-style battle over the dirtiest oil project ever known.

Canada – Alberta’s oil sands

Travel Agency

You are the 2 directors of a famous Travel Agency : Cairns and Great Barrier Reef settled in Cairns, Australia.
You proposes a new journey around the Great Barrier Reef which you will describe with numerous attractive retails including accommodation and activities to do in the surrounding area, especially the discovery of the marine wildlife with scuba diving.

Sea Shepherd USA Administrative Director, Susan Hartland.

You introduce the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS), an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization, which mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.
Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas.
By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.

One of your main struggle remains against the wildlife traffickers who tap and damage the world’s coral reefs, especially in Hawaï, where you have launched your campaign, Operation Reef Defense
You will explain why coral reefs represent some of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth and how human activities have contributed to a global loss of these important ecosystems (over 60% are already degraded or under risk of collapse).
Sea Shepherd Founder, Captain Paul Watson, can add some words to mobilize people to join SSCS

WWF’s contributors

You are Carter Roberts, president of WWF, and 6 of his closest partners.

– As Carter Roberts:
You describe WWF’s main mission to preserve the diversity of life on Earth.
Your goal is to be the voice for those creatures who have no voice and you speak for their future.
You will have to describe how WWF will conserve many of the world’s most ecologically important regions by working in partnership with others to protect and restore species and their habitats, strengthen local communities’ ability to conserve the natural resources they depend upon for instance…

– As one of the partners:
You will make an impassioned speech to describe the threat which causes the depletion of the endangered species you will select among those described on the website, you will explain what WWF is doing and you try to mobilize people to support conservation. You will describe the chsoen specie and …its conservation status.
As a matter of fact, WWF’s work has evolved from saving species and landscapes to addressing the larger global threats that impact them.
Its new strategy puts people at the center and organizes the work around six key areas : forests, marine, freshwater, wildlife, food and climate.
You are the chairman of one of the following team : climate, food, forests, fresh water, influencing policy, oceans, transforming business and EFN (Russell train education for nature program).
You will give an overview of the situation, explain your commitment and your action.

NGO Think Global Green members

You are Four main activists of the NGO Think Global Green of the canadian ecologist Severn Suzuki.
Choose a renewable energy source among those described (wind power, solar power, wave power, geothermal power), explain how it can provide renewable energy with illustration and add explanation to :
– Show advantages and disavantages of installations including the cost and the environmental impact
– Find where such installations are settled in France and/or abroad with examples and pictures
– Estimate the share of this renewable energy in the global energy production in France or abroad according with your previous example


You belongs to the company leadership of MONSANTO and you work at the headquarters of the company in Saint Louis, Missouri
– You are Jerry, who works to protect bee health
– You are Wendy, a dietetitian who believe in the high nutrituous quality of the food provided by Monsanto
– You are Jintai whose team work to stop plant diseases
– You are Daniel a doctor and a toxicologist who works with MONSANTO company since 1999
You deeply believe that this company is a sustainable agriculture company that deliver agricultural products that support farmers all around the world.
It’s focused on empowering farmers—large and small—to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water and energy.
You are proud to show that your company is a leader for seeds like corn, cotton, oilseeds and fruits and vegetables, and also a specialist in DNA technologies in the aim of GMO creations.
Monsanto also manufacture Roundup® and other herbicides used by farmers, consumers and lawn-and-garden professionals, a very efficient and safe weedkiller used worldwide…


As the creator of the blog GMO Awareness and with the help of your best friends, Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant and a long time contributor to the Vital Votes Forum, and  Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), You explain clearly (use examples) what GMO are, and denounce their harmful impacts for human health and for environment as well as the noxious seek for profit which motive the number one company developing GMO plants and controlling the largest market share of GMO crops in the world : that is to say , Monsanto also sells the weedkiller called RoundUp, the most popular herbicide used worldwide, for  which the majority of GMO crops have been engineered to withstand.
Residues of glyphosate, the key ingredient in RoundUp, are found in the main foods of the Western diet and medical studies have uncovered toxic effects in humans, plants and soil, you will describe this phenomenon.