KOCH Brothers

Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 09.37.06You are the Koch Brothers. You think Climate Change is a hoax. You defend the interest of oil producing companies.  You are two industrialists and businessmen most notable for your control of the second largest privately owned company in the United States (with 2013 revenues of $115 billion).The family business was started by Fred C. Koch, who developed a new cracking method for the refinement of heavy oil into gasoline.

The Koch brothers have played an active role in opposing climate change legislation. According to the environmentalist group Greenpeace, organizations that the Koch brothers help fund such as Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, the Cato institute, and the Manhattan Institute have been active in questioning global warming. Through Americans for Prosperity, the Koch brothers influenced more than 400 members of Congress to sign a pledge to vote against climate change legislation that does not include equivalent tax cuts.


The volume of Koch Industries’ toxic output is staggering. According to the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Political Economy Research Institute, only three companies rank among the top 30 polluters of America’s air, water and climate: ExxonMobil, American Electric Power and Koch Industries. Thanks in part to its 2005 purchase of paper-mill giant Georgia-Pacific, Koch Industries dumps more pollutants into the nation’s waterways than General Electric and International Paper combined. The company ranks 13th in the nation for toxic air pollution. Koch’s climate pollution, meanwhile, outpaces oil giants including Valero, Chevron and Shell. Across its businesses, Koch generates 24 million metric tons of greenhouse gases a year.

Stars for the environment!



You are Leonardo DiCaprio Screen Shot 2015-03-16 at 20.52.18You co-wrote, produced and narrated the global warming documentary The 11th Hour and his eponymous foundation lobbies for a number of environmental causes including access to clean water, renewable energy and forest preservation.


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You are Mark Ruffalo you are against horizontal hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking), a process wherein millions of gallons of water and chemicals are injected into the shale. He co-founded waterdefense.org to educate the public about fracking.


You are Robert Redford and Neil Young against tar sands in Alberta


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You are Ian Somerhalde, you have founded The Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF) is a non-profit organization which tackles things like teaching kids about renewable energy, saving animals, and of course, our very special and highly endangered Rainforests.



You are Marion Cotillard.

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You made your web documentary debut when you traveled to the Congo with Greenpeace in order to raise awareness about the Rainforests. The 7-episode series alerted viewers about the incessant plundering of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s rainforests, exposing how logging companies illegally (and unfairly) trade large scale amounts of timber with the locals, cheating them out of much needed resources “in exchange for a few bags of salt.”

Marion witnessed the unfair practices, noting that the wood is often times sold for a high price, but those who work hard and risk their lives to produce the resource are paid less than a dollar a day.


You are Prince Charles.

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Possibly one of the world’s biggest advocates for the protection of the Rainforest, The Prince’s Rainforest Project (PRP), started in 2007, holds the motto “Working to make the forests worth more alive than dead.”

Prince Charles hopes to make deforestation a thing of the past by putting a stop to the harsh practice, as well as enlighten communities on how they too can be apart of the movement by using safer, productive alternatives, and help spread the awareness.

